Continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS)
Environmental services & consultancy
ES ECO SMART has a team of experienced environmental consultants who specialize in various environmental fields. We offers a comprehensive range of consultancy services ranging from conducting Environmental Impact Assessement and formulating and implementing Environmental Management Plan as well as Environmental Site Assessement
Environmental assessments (EIA, EMP, EMC, audit, ESCP)
We have a pool of expertise who are highly experienced in in conducting Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as required under Section 34A of the Environmental Quality Act, 1974. Our team has technical know-how in various registered scope of study, and has been involved with many EIA projects of various ranges of developments including residential, commercial, mixed-use, energy, mining, and industrial sectors. Working closely with or associates, we can perform baseline site preliminary studies, baseline monitoring, and environmental samples analysis required as part of EIA preparation.

We are also providing EIA related services such as
- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
- Environmental Audit and inspection
- Environmental Monitoring
- Site Suitability Assessment
- Environmental Assessment
- Environmental survey/study
- Emergency response plan
- Modelling and predictive studies
- Erosion and sediment control plan (ESCP)
- Environmental Notification, permit and license application
- Air, water, noise & vibration modelling and analysis, including confirmatory studies
Environmental Site Assessment, Due Diligence
Environmental Due Diligence is a tool for assessing against compliance with pertinent environmental regulatory requirements for a particular facility or land of concern. To some extent, it could include health and safety aspects that are related to environmental concern. Knowing the condition of a property allows identification of its liabilities and estimate the level of risk as a factor in a transaction decision and enables to estimate the cost of mitigating that risk. Findings of the Due Diligence exercise will also be utilized to develop the next course of action to remedy those issues/liabilities.
In Malaysia, Due Diligence is gaining popularity as it enable interested parties involved to evaluate current and historical uses of the subject property in their effort to identify recognized environmental conditions and historical recognized environmental conditions. In Malaysia presently there are many ground pollution and contamination cases and this has become more common due to past practices and lack of environmental awareness. There are also various sites that found badly contaminated and requiring clean-up due to these past acts.

Within our team, we have the expertise to carry out due diligence and environmental site assessment for various stages.
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessment or Due Diligence
- Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Intrusive Sampling and Investigations
- Phase III Site Clean Up and Remediation
- Contaminated soil assessment
- Land Contamination Notification
Past experiences includes various industrial sites, land, waste management facilities, institutional properties, etc.
Environmental Monitoring (air, water, noise, vibration)
Since the introduction of the Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations, 2014 operators of industrial facilities are required to submit emission data to the Department of Environment of Malaysia and relevant local authorities as proof of compliance with the statutory limits under the regulations concerned. We provide competitively priced stack emission monitoring services using internationally recognized protocols that are conducted by qualified and trained staff

We have extensive experience in monitoring stack flue gases. Our capability includes testing the following parameters:
- Concentration and mass emission of particulate using isokinetic sampling techniques
- Gas concentration – NOx, SOx, CO, VOC’s (total and specific), O2, H2S, dioxins / furans
- Acidic gases – HCl, H2SO4, HF, HNO3, H3PO4, HCN, etc.
- Heavy metals
- Hydrocarbon and volatile organic compounds e.g. benzene, toluene, xylene, ethyl-benzenes, etc.
- Other species by request
Since the introduction of the Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations, 2014 operators of industrial facilities are required to submit emission data to the Department of Environment of Malaysia and relevant local authorities as proof of compliance with the statutory limits under the regulations concerned. We provide competitively priced stack emission monitoring services using internationally recognized protocols that are conducted by qualified and trained staff
Site Remediation & Clean-up
Groundwater study is essential to determine the existing quality of groundwater at a designated site. Baseline groundwater survey is normally conducted before the occupation of the site. Subsequent and continuous monitoring of groundwater after occupation of site is an important step to evaluate and detect contaminant(s) that might penetrate through the ground and reach the groundwater level.

We provide the following services for groundwater study:
- Permanent groundwater well installation using established protocol
- Purging of groundwater well and sampling of groundwater for various targeted contaminants using different techniques/protocols and equipment/accessories
- Appropriate preservation and handling of groundwater samples using chain-of-custody
- Conducting analysis for various types of targeted organic and inorganic contaminants using established analytical procedures
Soil is often contaminated at industrial sites by various chemicals used or end product from production process, particularly at the storage and production facilities of a plant. Some of the contaminants are not only retained in the top soil but also penetrate through it, reaching the groundwater level. Therefore, it is imperative that investigation to determine the degree of soil and ground water contamination for a suspected contaminated site be conducted. Baseline soil and groundwater survey is normally conducted before the occupation of a site for industrial purposes. We offer the following scope of site sampling and measurement as well as laboratory testing pertaining to soil contamination and sub-soil gas measurement.
- Sampling of soil and sub soil to determine the extent of contamination
- Analysis of soil and sub-soil samples for various types of contaminants
- On-site measurement of sub-soil organic gases using precalibrated portable meters.
- Sampling of sub-soil gases for further laboratory analysis
Occupational safety & health services
Chemical Health Risk Assessment – (CHRA)
Occupational Safety and Health (Use and Standards of Exposure of Chemical Hazardous to Health) Regulations 2000 under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 in Malaysia requires the employer to make a comprehensive assessment of the risk of exposure of employees to hazardous chemicals in the workplace. Chemical Health Risk Assessment (CHRA) is a cornerstone by which compliance with the Regulations is achieved. We offer a complete CHRA compliance service from initial risk assessment of exposure to hazardous chemicals in the workplace, to providing advice on current control measures in use and carrying out workplace and personal exposure monitoring (as a quantitative assessment of control).

Other services
Other services we provide include:
- Legislation development and institutional strengthening
- Natural resource planning and management
- Project co-ordination and management
- Solid and scheduled waste management
- Emergency response plan (ERP)
- Site planning and selections
- Wastewater survey and treatability studies
- Waste surveys and management
- Training and capacity development
- Feasibility study
- Management information system
- Technical due diligence
- Construction management (environmental)
- Operation and maintenance support (environmental)
- Site selection and evaluation
- Site planning
- Master and strategic planning